Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The urge to write and write till Kingdom come

Lately I have been having urges to just write and write and write... That's why I just pen my thoughts down as they come.

I didn't expect nor do I think anybody would read what I wrote. You can after all set Facebook to turn off certain post if you don't want to be bothered.

But lo and surprise... Some people have told me (outside of facebook) that they read though they never commented. I was quite taken a back. Basically they read and went "duh" with blank look aka blew over their heads.. lol

You see... I care not who reads it or if anybody reads it at all. It is just my avenue for expressing my thoughts out loud, more for myself, to maintain my sanity maybe :-)

So I think I need to clarify certain things here.

If somebody reads it and it just goes over their head and they go "duh" that's fine. Something would still be implanted and in the future who knows, something may happen and you may reflect back... And you know what they say, "when the student is ready the teacher will appear." :-)

If reading helps anyone take anything positive out of it, great... I'm glad it has some impact though I never intend it that way.

If it is negative well... Tough luck dude. Not meant to ruffle your feathers. But if something I wrote touches a raw nerve in you, it usually means you've got an issue within yourself that you need to address. My writings are just the event or catalyst. So you then have an option to look within and perhaps do something and thus grow your context.

Of course it is also your free will to discard it. They are, after all, my opinions only (though I must say, I stand by it until proven wrong). You can just discard it and move on.

If reading it inspired you to comment, by all means, I am willing to accommodate and we can both grow our context together.

So hope this helps.

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