Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Lord's Prayer - energy perspective (updated)

The Lord's Prayer (Catholic version)
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen
The Lord's Prayer is definitely not of Christian Origin. It predates Christ. Though Jesus said those Prayers, it is actually an ancient form of Kundalini Yoga that can stimulate our chakras and safely awaken the "sleeping serpent" within i.e. Kundalini force/energy/chi.

There is a relationship between Jesus' Lord's Prayer and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. The 11 Sephiroths on the Tree of Life also corresponds with the 11 major chakras on our body. In fact, done in a meditation form, it becomes a system for spiritual development using the body's 11 major chakras. The Kabbalistic version calls this energy centers Sephiroths. Note that some versions of the Lord's Prayer, there exists only 10 sephiroths. Actually one sephiroth is hidden as humanity is deemed NOT to be ready for the 11th Sephiroth to be revealed. However, Master Choa (GMCKS), the founder of modern day Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga has revealed this in his esoteric school. One can learn this by learning Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga or other advanced esoteric schools.

GMCKS has taught that regular practice of meditation on the Lord's Prayer results in tremendous down pouring of spiritual energy into the crown chakra, and from there down to the base of the spine (possibly via the Sushumna). Eventually, the Kundalini fire at the base of the spine is awakened and together the spiritual energy and kundalini fire spiral upwards (possibly via the ida pingala as the movement is spiraling upwards) to the crown and eventually manifests as illumination, eternal bliss, and divine oneness. This is what saints/Avatars etc of all religions experience. The down pouring of spiritual energy is called baptism by spirit, and the awakening of the kundalini fire is called baptism by fire. This is the meaning of baptism by spirit and fire. In Yoga, this spiritual experience is called samadhi, and in Buddhism it is called nirvana. When this is achieved through the grace or blessing of a guru it is called a shaktipat or spiritual empowerment. In esoteric terminology this is called initiation, which usually results in a certain degree of expansion of consciousness.

Tree of life and the corresponding verses.
(Note: This image is taken from
the internet and has errors in it i.e.
line 3 should be split to 2 sephiroths
(one hidden)
and line 7 & 8 should be swapped). 
The awakening of the kundalini fire can be done through many methods. On of which is the practice of certain techniques in Hatha Yoga or chinese QiGong. Another method is in the use of mantras or words of power, together with yentas or visual images. There are many other methods. However, it is perceived that the method of meditating on the Lord's Prayer is one of the safest, easiest and also more potent ways of achieving that objective of illumination.

Such is the nature of us humans that as long as the "fiery serpent" (kundalini fire) remains down in the basic chakra, the person remains spiritually dead or relatively animalistic. It is only when the serpent is substantially upraised that the noble qualities of the person is developed, and he is able to experience illumination and expansion of consciousness.
  1. Crown Chakra (Kether - Crown) - "Our Father"
  2. Forehead Chakra (Chokmah - Wisdom) - "Who Art In Heaven"
  3. Ajna Chakra (Binah - Understanding) - "Holy/Hallowed Be" & Throat Chakra (Daath - Knowledge) - "Thy Name"
  4. Heart Chakra (Chesed - Mercy, Loving Kindness) - "Thy Kingdom Come"
  5. Solar Plexus Chakra (Gevurah - Severity, Judgement, Strength) - "Thy Will Be Done"
  6. Navel Chakra (Tiphareth - Beauty) - "On Earth As It Is In Heaven"
  7. Spleen Chakra (Netzach - Victory or Power) - "Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread"
  8. Meng Mein Chakra (Hod - Glory) - "Forgive Us Our Trespasses As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us"
  9. Sex Chakra (Yesod - Foundation) - "Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil
  10. Basic Chakra (Malkuth - Kingdom) - "For Thine Is The Kingdom, The Power, And The Glory Forever And Ever, Amen
I must now add a disclaimer. I am not suggesting that you take what little you read here and start meditating on the Lord's Prayer. No... If you decide to, please get guidance from a proper meditation school which provides this Meditation on the Lord's Prayer. Arhatic Yoga is one such school. There are other schools. Under no circumstances is anyone to attempt advanced meditation techniques unguided as it is dangerous. If the Kundalini fire is awaken without the body being purified, you are going to find that your karmic seeds ripened in ways you cannot handle.

What I put here is for sharing and knowledge. For those who would like to explore further, seek the right guidance. What is written here is just the surface of a much deeper subject.

Whew... taxing man.. taxing..

Related post:

  1. Yoga
  2. Medical Cadeceus
  3. Lord's Prayer - Meaning of each verse
  4. kundalini syndrome
  5. Baptism by Water, Spirit and Fire

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