Saturday, March 31, 2012

Angel Lucifer - The Light Bearer

From the desk of Oscar Lai

From Wikipedia:
"Traditionally, Lucifer is a name that in English generally refers to the Devil or Satan, especially in reference to his status as a fallen angel.

In Latin, from which the English word is derived, Lucifer (as a noun) means "light-bearer" (from the words lucem ferre). It was the name given to the Morning Star, i.e. the planet Venus when seen at dawn.

Use of the name "Lucifer" for the Devil stems from applying to the Devil what Isaiah 14:3–20 says of a king of Babylon whom it callsHelel (הֵילֵל, Shining One), a Hebrew word that refers to the Day Star or Morning Star.This association developed in Early Christianity, in the 2nd or 3rd century.

In 2 Peter 1:19 and elsewhere, the same Latin word lucifer is used to refer to the Morning Star, with no relation to the Devil. In Revelation 22:16, Jesus himself is called the Morning Star but not "Lucifer", even in Latin (Vulgata (stella splendida matutina)."

Read the rest of the article here

Original article:
Angel Lucifer - The Light Bearer

Healing the Inner Child - Oscar Lai

From the desk of Oscar Lai:

When we say or talk about Inner Child, is it really what we are truly referring to? The child within you? Is it just an illusion? Or is it just a convenient way to replace a psychological term? Inner Child to me is when your biological age and condition and environment does not get aligned with your True Self. You have been growing and growing and yet, you left a part of you died along the way. Not because that it is suppose to die, but you suppress it and not letting it grow together with you. 
Hence when something happen, you fall back to your inner child but yet, your child do not know how or what to do in order to protect you. This is because you never let it grow up with you in the first place. However, it is also the most comforting and protective side as you fall to it because of the innocence and child like pure qualities that was what and who you are at the first place. No worries, no trust issues, no fear, get all these from the materialistic world as you grow up. 
How do you then, want to heal your inner child? Where do you search? What do you do? How do you check if there's anything that's not yet healed if there's any?... Read more here
Full article here: Healing the inner child

From The Secret - You are a transmission center of the Universe

You are a transmission center of the Universe. You are emitting a frequency to the Universe every second and you are receiving transmissions back every second. To create what you want, you must telegraph your desire without breaking the transmission, and you do that by holding within you the knowledge that your desire has manifested.
But if you begin to have thoughts that your desire is not here, and if you begin to doubt, you just broke the transmission. The Universe has lost your signal and instead has received your new signal that you do not have your desire. The Universe responds unfailingly to your new signal, and you receive what you are transmitting: my desire is not here!
All you have to do is shift yourself back on to the frequency of having what you want, and the Universe can deliver it to you.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Emotional cleansing and the works in it - by Oscar Lai

What is emotional cleansing? Many energy healers might lump sum this as an understanding of clearing out any negative emotions that does not serve the highest good or purpose of our true self. Many would also bring together a whole lump sum of emotional tools to clearly bath away a client or their own emotional cleansing routine. However, how many of these are really effective? The most effective would probably be a temporary relief, where you bath in splendid colours, you clear the auras, you clear this and that and bring in the light. But it is only temporary measurement. How many would have slipped back to the same emotional state after some time?

In order to clearly clear out these negative energies, you have to clear from the root cause. What are the meanings of these emotions that you have put or intended them to be? Example, happiness to person A is not the same as it is to B. So what are the meanings? You will have to find out. It's just the beginning of finding out the root cause and the belief systems of a person. How does these emotions come in? Where do they come from? Why do they keep coming back?

Read the rest of it here:
Emotional Cleansing and the works in it, generally

From The Secret - our desires

Do you know that as you try and work out "how" your desire will come about, you are actually pushing your desire away from you? As you try and work out "how" you can make your desire happen, you are sending a huge message to the Universe that you do not have your desire. And if you're not emanating the exact frequency of having your desire from within you, how can the Universe possibly find your signal to deliver your desire?

Thursday, March 29, 2012

From The Secret - When you master believing, you have mastered your life.

Ask, Believe, Receive - just three simple steps to create what you want. However, very often the second step, believe, can be the most difficult one. And yet it is the greatest step you will ever take. Believing contains no doubt. Believing does not waver. Believing is absolute faith. Believing remains steadfast despite what is happening in the outside world.
When you master believing, you have mastered your life.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Sumerian Culture & The Annunaki - by Neil Freer - Adam & Eve (Part 3)

Boy oh boy... this is just soooo interesting I just had to post this as part 3. the following is an article by Neil Freer on Jan 19, 2006 regarding the Sumerian Culture and the Anunnaki.

---START (Part 3)---

The Sumerian Culture and the Annunaki - by Neil Freer

Working from the same archaeological discoveries, artifacts, and recovered records as archaeologists and linguists have for two hundred years, propounds – proves, in the opinion of this author -- that the Anunnaki (Sumerian: “those who came down from the heavens”; Old testament Hebrew, Anakeim, Nefilim, Elohim; Egyptian: Neter), an advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system, splashed down in the Persian gulf area around 432,000 years ago, colonized the planet, with the purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some 250,000 years ago, the recovered documents tell us, their lower echelon miners rebelled against the conditions in the mines and the Anunnaki directorate decided to create a creature to take their place. Enki, their chief scientist and Ninhursag their chief medical officer, after getting no satisfactory results splicing animal and Homo Erectus genes, merged their Anunnaki genes with that of Homo Erectus and produced us, Homo Sapiens, a genetically bicameral species, for their purposes as slaves. Because we were a hybrid, we could not procreate. The demand for us as workers became greater and we were genetically manipulated to reproduce.

Eventually, we became so numerous that some of us were expelled from the Anunnaki city centers, gradually spreading over the planet. Having become a stable genetic stock and developing more precociously than, perhaps, the Anunnaki had anticipated, the Anunnaki began to be attracted to humans as sexual partners and children were born of these unions. This was unacceptable to the majority of the Anunnaki high council and it was decided to wipe out the human population through a flood that was predictable when Nibiru, the tenth in our solar system and the Anunnaki home planet, came through the inner solar system again (around 12,500 years ago) on one of its periodic 3600 year returns. Some humans were saved by the action of the Anunnaki official, Enki, who was sympathetic to the humans he had originally genetically created. For thousands of years, we were their slaves, their workers, their servants, and their soldiers in their political battles among themselves. The Anunnaki used us in the construction of their palaces (we retroproject the religious notion of temple on these now), their cities, their mining and refining complexes and their astronomical installations on all the continents. They expanded from Mesopotamia to Egypt to India to South and Central America and the stamp of their presence can be found in the farthest reaches of the planet.

Around 6000 years ago, they, probably realizing that they were going to phase off the planet, began, gradually, to bring humans to independence. Sumer, a human civilization, amazing in its “sudden”, mature, and highly advanced character was set up under their tutelage in Mesopotamia. Human kings were inaugurated as go-betweens, foremen of the human populations answering to the Anunnaki. A strain of humans, genetically enhanced with more Anunnaki genes, a bloodline of rulers in a tradition of “servants of the people” was initiated (Gardner). These designated humans were taught technology, mathematics, astronomy, advanced crafts and the ways of advanced civilized society (in schools, called now “mystery schools” but there was no mystery about them). Gardner has brought to light the fact that there exists a robust, highly documented, genealogical, genetic history carrying all the way back to the Anunnaki, possessed by the heterodox tradition of Christianity, which is only now coming forward, no longer gun-shy of the Inquisition. This tradition, preserving the bloodline, is the one branded “heretical” and murderously persecuted by the Roman Church. There were no Dark Ages for this tradition, only for those whom the Church wanted to keep in the dark about the real nature of human history and destroy the bloodline, a direct threat to the power of the Bishops.

What evidence supports the Sitchin thesis?

The Astronomical Evidence

“ concrete problem is going to be solved as long as the experts of astronomy are too supercilious to touch "mythical" ideas -- which are firmly believed to be plain nonsense, of course -- as long as historians of religion swear to it that stars and planets were smuggled into originally "healthy" fertility cults and naive fairy tales only "very late" -- whence these unhealthy subjects should be neglected by principle -- and as long as the philologists imagine that familiarity with grammar replaces that scientific knowledge which they lack, and dislike.” - Giorgio de Santillana, Ph.D.& Hertha von Dechend, Ph.D., "Hamlet's Mill"

A key underpinning of the Sitchin paradigm is the existence, now or in the past, of the tenth planet in our solar system, the home planet of the Anunnaki with the size, orbit, and characteristics described, as Sitchin has demonstrated, in the Enuma Elish and corroborated by Harrington, former chief of the U.S. Naval Observatory, now deceased.

Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930. Christie, of the U.S. Naval Observatory, discovered Charon, Pluto’s moon, in 1978. The characteristics of Pluto derivable from the nature of Charon demonstrated that there must still be a large planet undiscovered because Pluto could not be the cause of the residuals, the “wobbles” in the orbital paths of Uranus and Neptune clearly identifiable. The IRAS (Infrared Astronomical Satellite), during ’83 -’84, produced observations of a tenth planet so robust that one of the astronomers on the project said that “all that remains is to name it” -- from which point the information has become curiously guarded. In 1992 Harrington and Van Flandern of the Naval Observatory, working with all the information they had at hand, published their findings and opinion that there is, indeed, a tenth planet, even calling it an “intruder” planet. The search was narrowed to the southern skies, below the ecliptic. Harrington invited Sitchin, having read his book and translations of the Enuma Elish, to a meeting at his office and they correlated the current findings with the ancient records.

The recovered Enuma Elish document, a history of the formation of our solar system and more, says that, at the time when Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn were in place, there was a Uranus sized planet, called Tiamat, in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Earth was not in place yet. A large wandering planet, called Nibiru, was captured into the system gravitationally. As it passed by the outer planets it caused the anomalies of their moons, the tilting of Uranus on its side, the dislodging of Pluto from its being a moon of Saturn to its own planetary orbit. Its path bent by the gravitational pull of the large planets, first its satellites collided with the large planet Tiamat and, on a second orbit through, Nibiru collided with Tiamat, driving the larger part of it into what is now Earth’s orbit to recongeal as Earth, dragging its moon with it to become our Moon with all its anomalies. The shattered debris of Tiamat’s smaller part became the asteroid belt, comets, and meteorites. The gouge of our Pacific basin is awesome testimony to the collisional event. Nibiru settled into a 3600 year elliptical retrograde (opposite direction to all the other planets) orbit around our sun, coming in through the asteroid belt region between Mars and Jupiter at perigee and swinging far out past Pluto at apogee. Harrington acknowledged that his information agreed with all these details and the maps they each had drawn of the orbits were almost indistinguishable. The current probable location of Nibiru (Planet X, our tenth) estimated by both was the same.

It is the opinion of this author and others that, in light of the evidence already obtained through the use of the Pioneer 10 and 11 and two Voyager space craft, the Infrared Imaging Satellite (IRAS, ‘83-84) and the clear and unequivocal statements of Harrington when consulting with Sitchin, that the search has already been accomplished, in fact that the planet has already been found.

We need to force the issue of the tenth planet being in our solar system, not just to demonstrate the validity of the new paradigm but for a very practical reason. The ancient records are very clear. The passage of the tenth planet, Nibiru, once every 3600 years, through the inner solar system effects the Earth, sometimes in catastrophic ways. It is very probably the cause of pole shifts, pole reversals, changes in the precessional movement, perhaps even catastrophic bombardment by asteroid size space debris that it may drag along with it. Since it passes through the asteroid belt area between Mars and Jupiter and its orbital path may vary depending on the position of the other planets when it comes though, it may have been responsible for the devastation of Mars. A rigorous, detailed computer modeling of the solar system, including the tenth planet needs to be done urgently for our own planetary safety. Remember that the Vatican maintains an astronomical observatory and Msgr. Balducci may have access to information that prompts him to make the amazing statements he has ---- no doubt as voice of the Vatican.

The Technological Evidence

Ooparts is the term used to describe the purportedly out of place in time artifacts, toys, tools, technical devices, depictions and documents which have come to light through archaeological excavation or discovery. Almost everyone is familiar, through published works or documentaries, with the clay pot batteries still containing the electrodes from the Iraqi desert dated at 2500 B.C., the flyable model airplane from a pyramid tomb, the sophisticated machining of stone requiring the most advanced techniques we know today, the 1000 ton precision cut blocks of stone in a temple foundation that we could not even handle, an ancient relief frieze from an Abydos temple depicting rockets, airplanes and even a helicopter, etc. The most recent and quite amazing oopart is the rediscovery of monoatomic gold by David Hudson (Monoatomics are superconductors at room temperature, have anti-gravitic properties and are only now being investigated by the advanced physics community) Hudson’s discovery, correlated with the bringing to light, by Gardner, of the suppressed discovery of the Anunnaki gold processing plant on Mt. Horeb by Sir Flinders Petrie in 1889 demonstrates that the monoatomics were already known at least 3000 years ago. These ooparts coupled with evidence from many disciplines and the historical records indicate that an advanced civilization existed in those times possessing a high technology and that that civilization was indeed the Anunnaki.

The Documentary Evidence

The recorded historical documentation for the existence and deeds of the Anunnaki has become gradually available to us only since the early 1800’s. The excavation of the ancient sites of Mesopotamia brought to light the amazingly advanced civilization of Sumer and, with it, thousands of clay tablets containing not only mundane records of commerce, marriages, military actions and advanced astronomical calculation systems but of the history of the Anunnaki themselves. It is clear from those records that the Sumerians knew these aliens to be real flesh and blood. The library of the ruler, Ashurbanipal, at Nineveh was discovered to have burnt down and the clay tablets held there were fired, preserving them for our reading. One of the most impressive finds, in very recent time, has been a sealed, nine foot by six foot room in Sippar holding, neatly arranged on shelves, a set of some 400 elaborate clay tablets containing an unbroken record of the history of those ancient times, a sort of time capsule. The evidence is so overwhelming and robust that, if it weren’t for those with power enough to suppress, it would have been accepted and our world view changed a century ago or, perhaps, sooner.

The Genetic Evidence

The recovered records place the location of the Anunnaki laboratory where the first humans were literally produced in east central Africa just above their gold mines. This falls precisely on the map where the mitochondrial DNA “search for Eve” places the first woman Homo Sapiens and in the same period. (The gold mining engineers of Africa have found 100,000-year-old gold mines in that area.) The evidence for, and description of advanced genetic engineering is all there in the ancient documents. Our rapid progress from inception to going to Mars soon, after only 250,000 years, does not correspond to the million year periodicities of slow evolutionary development of other species such as Homo Erectus before us. As so many thinkers have pointed out, we are radically and anomalously different, as discussed in part three.

Scientific Objections to the Thesis

How could the Anunnaki, clearly described as comfortable in earth gravity and atmosphere, very similar to current humans in all ways, have evolved on a planet within our solar system whose orbital apogee takes it into the deep cold of space for much of its orbit?

The ancient records repeatedly describe Nibiru as a “radiant” planet. This may be understood as having a high core temperature. Although controversial, there is also astrophysical opinion that a large body in elongated orbit is constantly tending toward circular orbit and this causes stresses in the body that could generate a good deal of heat. That their planet is gradually cooling, may be indicated by Sitchin’s interpretation of their colonizing Earth (contains most of the gold identifiable in the solar system) for the purpose of obtaining large quantities of gold for molecular seeding of their atmosphere with a reflective gold shielding. Pertinent here is Harrington’s confident statement to Sitchin that it is “a nice, good planet, could be surrounded by gases, probably has an atmosphere and could support life like ours”. The sunlight level there might be quite different than on earth. The Anunnaki were often depicted or sculpted with what seem to be obviously sunglasses.

If, however, the Anunnaki evolved on a radically different planet from earth under quite different conditions to which to adapt, why should they have turned out to be so identical to human species? Sitchin’s answer is based on the collisional event between the intruder planet, Nibiru, and the planet Tiamat, the residual part of which recongealed into the Earth after being driven into current Earth orbit. That the two, or at least one, of the colliding planets was sufficiently developed to have evolved basic organic compounds, perhaps even simple life, the cross-seeding of everything from amino acids to more complicated organic compounds or even primitive organisms, could account for the evolutionary similarity. Although this author finds it a reasonable hypothesis, even trivial, that advanced civilizations would be capable of crossing extremely different genomes, perhaps with even radically different bases, the cross-seeding theory can account for the apparent relative ease with which the Anunnaki impinged their genes on the genes of Homo Erectus. The Anunnaki skill level, 200,000 years ago, is indicated well by the recorded fact that, in early trials, they succeeded in crossing animal genes with Homo Erectus genes, obtained living hybrids but never a satisfactory product which led them to modify Homo Erectus genes with their advanced genes.

If our genome is estimated as 98% to 99% similar to the chimpanzee, how could there be a melding of the Homo Erectus and Anunnaki genomes, or impingement of the advanced code on the lesser advanced one detectable? The author suggests that this is a major question probably answerable only by the geneticists open-minded enough to attack it. The resolution of that question should provide rich additional clues in itself.

---END (Part 3)---

So was Zacharia Sitchin a super duper story teller who made up the whole thing? Or did he misinterpret the sumerian tablets like what some claim? Maybe.. But if you look at it from the logical point of view, a lot of things start to tie in. It most certainly isn't beyond the realms of possibility and I must say, when compared with the 2 other schools of thought i.e. the religious view that "God" created us and Darwin's theory that we evolved from the Apes, Sitchin's theory certainly is more probable than the other 2. And in fact, the stories in the Bible, Quran or even greek mythology becomes more scientifically believable to the logical mind.

Related Post:

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

From The Secret - write a list of things you are grateful for

To experience deep gratitude, sit down and write a list of the things you are grateful for. Keep writing your list until your eyes are overflowing with tears. As the tears come, you will feel the most beautiful feeling around your heart and all through the inside of you. This is the feeling of true gratitude. Once you have felt this feeling you will know how to re-create it.
This intense feeling of gratitude is the feeling you want to reproduce as many times a day as you can. In a very short time you will be able to bring that feeling into your body at any time, virtually instantaneously.
Practice will get you there.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Difference between being Spiritual and Religious

It's important to note here that being spiritual and religious are not the same. Being religious essentially means that one subscribes to the doctrines of a religion and shuts all other religions out (Not necessarily true for all). It is a dogmatic approach that causes one to not accept anything that goes against the particular religion's doctrines. And there are many cases where religious people say that they have an open mind and they are tolerant of other religions but when it comes to the crunch, they are still saying the same thing which is essentially, "My Way is the ONLY way". This is not spirituality. This is a fixed mindset that may even border on fanaticism. They may claim tolerance of other religions but that tolerance is a fake facade. Behind all the fake niceties, they are essentially still thinking that their way is the one and only way and the rest are all wrong. All that niceties are basically them saying that in this modern era they won't hang you or put you into Inquisition etc but that does not change the way they view your religion as the wrong path or worse, the path of the Devil. Example, try saying Jesus is the only "so and so" and that all others go to hell to a Muslim, and you'll probably provoke the muslims into a Jihad with you. In my opinion, both sides are wrong. They've got a dogmatic approach towards religion that borders on fanaticism. It is clearly not the path that the Avatars showed us when they came.

However, a spiritual person can be a devout religious person also but in such a case, it is not in a dogmatic way. These spiritual people know that all the rivers lead to the ocean and they chose a particular path that jives with them. All the while knowing that that way is what suits them and not necessarily suits another. They know that for someone else, another path may be the better way for that person. It is not a race to the top, it is everyone developing at their own speed for their own soul's greater good. Some of them may even know that the higher inner teachings of each religion is very similar. E.g: The practices of Gnostic Christianity, Sufi Muslims and Vajrayana Buddhism are very very similar it is quite indistinguishable.

Being into spirituality means you are actually into personal development. It's personal development not just at the physical, emotional and mental level but also at the soul level. Personal Development is a very wide field. There is so many areas that we can choose to focus on. Even in soul development, it has many sub-areas that we can focus on and it can take years just to perfect one aspect or sub-area. And the various schools/seminars that teach personal development, regardless if it is a so called personal development seminar by Anthony Robbins or a spiritual course by Deepak Chopra or an esoteric course from one of the inner schools (e.g. Gnostic Christians, Sufi Muslims or Vajrayana Buddhism), are actually helping/supporting us to develop just one or a few aspect of our personal development out of the many.

It must be said that there are schools that help/support us to develop as many aspects at one go but this may not be for everyone. All of us are created equal and yet not equal. This is a paradox depending on our level of spiritual development. For example, someone may be at the 3rd level of Initiation whereas another person may be at 8th level of Initiation. But that does not mean that the 3rd level initiate is any lesser than the 8th level initiate. All it means is that the 8th level is at a higher rung on the spiritual ladder thus overall more spiritually developed but the 3rd level initiate could be far more developed in certain aspects than the 8th level initiate. So, one should not feel small if one is at a lower rung of initiation. You can always zoom pass the higher level initiate. It is your free will, your determination, your consistency of effort that will propel you forward.

I'll digress a bit and go into Yoga now. Most Yogic practices combines strange physical postures with meditative practices. Today, in western countries one can even get a certificate (a diploma or even a degree) to teach yoga. This is soooo weird. While I am not saying that it is wrong, I do question if the universities that provide such courses even know what Yoga really is. The graduates who then teach yoga seems to be more focused on the physical aspects of yoga rather than what Yoga really is all about. Look, if you are interested in physical health and will being only, then perhaps aerobics or anaerobic exercises are a more suited. Think of it for awhile... it really doesn't make sense to do some weird and painful (for some) postures for a slimmer body when there are far more easier and efficient methods to achieving those same results. The reason Yoga has those weird postures is because when we "contort" our bodies in those manner, it activates and channels the chi to circulate in a certain manner and even opening some meridians in the process and thus accelerating the path of spiritual development. The physical benefits that come along are a positive side effect that is necessary because spiritual development is all encompassing meaning it also includes physical. Your physical body needs to be strong and healthy to contain the increased chi levels or even Kundalini energy that is being released otherwise it will start deteriorating. One does not put new wine into an old wine will burst.

Anyway, coming back... A religious person can be spiritual in the real sense. Usually, I would say (and I could be wrong) these people somehow stumble upon something in their religious practice that instead of causing them to react negatively as would have been expected, something within them tells them that they knew that all along but it goes against the very core of what their religious teacher has been teaching them. Usually, in such situations, as humans, we would either keep it to ourselves, confide in a close confidant, or if we are more daring we confront the religious teacher with the dilemma faced and ask for guidance. Sometimes we get the two voices in our minds playing the angel and devil talk thingy :-)  But if we are true to ourselves, we somehow know that the answer that came from within us is the true answer but unfortunately it goes against some religious pillar. Such a situation can be akin to your soul (or even your guardian angel) "telling" you the truth. People in this situation do "wake up" and stopped being fanatical about their religious views. They may stay on with the religion but from then on they become spiritual in the true sense and not dogmatic in their viewpoint. they realize (or "remember") that Truth is not the exclusive right of any particular culture, religion or race.

Having said all that, I must add here that while I do encourage people to look into their personal development, I do not encourage going into it as a means of escaping from lives troubles. While what I just said here may be odd, it is a known fact that there are many people who choose "spirituality" as a means to run away from everyday life. That's not spiritual. There really is no point being "spiritual" but at the same time being sick and broke all the time. That is not spiritual and not the way we should be living. And don't for once say that Mother Teresa was an example of a spiritual person who was broke. She isn't. She understood the Laws of Attraction and utilizes it to manifest for the work she does. Of course, there is always karma. But karma should not be an excuse why our lives do not work out. Otherwise, we might as well just lie on the rail tracks and let the oncoming train end it all. There is alway personal power and free will and there has been many examples of people who have "made it to the top" against all odds and despite their physical, emotional and mental handicaps.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

From The Secret - thought vibration

"We are sending out thoughts of greater or less intensity all the time, and we are reaping the results of such thoughts. Not only do our thought-waves influence ourselves and others, but they have a drawing power - they attract to us the thoughts of others, things, circumstances, people, 'luck,' in accord with the character of the thought uppermost in our minds."
Thought Vibration

From The Secret - No-one else can bring negativity into our lives through their thoughts, unless we allow our frequency to lower to the same negative frequency as theirs.

Anybody who thinks negative thoughts about someone else has those negative thoughts return to them multiplied. It doesn't matter how many people are thinking negatively about someone; if that person is in joy those thoughts can never reach them, because they are on a different frequency. Instead, all the negative thoughts will multiply and return to the people who were thinking them.
No-one else can bring negativity into our lives through their thoughts, unless we allow our frequency to lower to the same negative frequency as theirs.

From The Secret - Life is mirroring back to you what you are holding inside you.

The entire world and every single detail in your day are all showing you the frequency within you. The evidence of your frequency is speaking to you in every moment through the people that you experience, the circumstances, and the events.
Life is mirroring back to you what you are holding inside you.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

From The Secret - attracting appreciation

If you want to attract appreciation for what you do, then move through your life appreciating and complimenting others.
If you find fault with another, then you just brought others finding fault with you. If you judge another, then you just brought judgment to you. And if you appreciate others, you will bring appreciation to you. You have to make the quality dominant in you first, before you can attract it in your outside world.

Adam and Eve The Movie (Part 2)

The following is an extremely controversial theory that would either leave your mouth wide open or your mind completely shut. Regardless of its potential effect on you, I’m still gonna put it here as a follow up to the earlier post on Adam and Eve because it is just sooooooooo interesting and exciting a theory to just let it pass. :-D

--- START (Part 2) ---

The Annunaki (?)
What if what we call “God” is actually not “GOD the creator” but one or several advanced alien races. Of course, this doesn’t mean that there is no “GOD the creator”. There is but not the way we think. The universe surpreme being is still the universe surpreme being i.e. the Universal Consciousness, The One Source that is all compassionate love. But what we, human beings, call God the creator is not that being. What I’m saying is what if we were created as an experiment or to be slaves? Ever gave much thought to that?

Let’s hyperbole here for a moment and let’s just assume that we are created. And not by one alien but several alien races as an experiment. Say, Earth was meant to be a library of sorts. Original intention of the experiment is say for study purposes the same way how our scientist are now experimenting with cloning and genetic manipulations. Those alien races, well… at least when they started out with the experiment, created us for genetic research.

Now, let’s add this conspiracy into the equation. One of the alien races had an ulterior motive right from the start. They preferred to use the new genetic creature called human (or homo sapien) as a slave instead, for whatever reason. Well, then the question would be how the hell would the others have agreed to it and why suddenly slavery comes into the picture? Maybe for one of the aliens (The Annunaki perhaps), their planet was dying and so they were desperate and thus more aggressive perhaps? or well, how about, if Earth was an alien colony for various alien races working here for resources gathering, research, whatever lah etc etc. So, they set out to genetically create a new race. Intention conveyed to get others to agree was that it is for “research purposes”, say research on evolution or whatever. Then once successful, the real reason is brought out to the dismay of the other races. Or perhaps the other races also liked that idea of a whole new race of workers (read as slaves) but somewhere along the line realized within themselves that this is wrong. People, let’s face it, any intelligent being would love to have a subordinate worker that does everything commanded ie. Planet of the apes, universal soldier etc or closer in our real history: the slavery of blacks in the US, use of cheap Chinese laborers abroad during Ch’ing dynasty time (Opium war etc) etc. But any enlightened spiritual being would know slavery is evil. So doesn’t matter if all of the aliens races involved wanted a genetic slave race, but along the way, some didn’t and one or more wanted.

So naturally, conflict would arise between both groups. So let’s say now that the “Confederates” (Slave drivers) won the battle and took over the planet. Then the question would be.. wow... one alien so powerful to the extend they can knock out the rest? Well... what if the rest were more peaceful cultures that know that they are more than just their bodies. So when aggression comes, they just lay down their physical bodies and depart "home". Far fetched? Let's look at Buddhist monks. The more spiritual ones are known to surrender their physical bodies to aggressors and ascend to the inner world in such moments. They just re-incarnate into another physical body somewhere else, that's all. So the theory that some advanced peaceful alien race surrendering physical bodies (intentional dying) when aggressor aliens attack is not that far fetched after all.

Being of Light
Well, anyway... let's say some other more advanced alien race or group came to help the losing group but a bit too late. Planet already taken over. The winning group said this is their planet, their cloning technology, their genetic engineering science so humans are theirs. Whatever happened after that, somehow they all agreed (maybe some willingly, some not) to put a hands-off policy on Earth. Say a council of sorts (Say.. Galactic Federation… wow), declares something like in Star Trek’s “Prime Directive” aka “thou shalt not interfere with evolution”. I'll leave this part to those hollywood directors to work or reason something out on this part ;-p

And all this while, the slaves “happily toil the earth” in Paradise (read as mine resources etc) for their Gods (the winning baddie aliens). But the other group that lost the battle didn’t stay quiet. But with a “Prime Directive” in force, this group of aliens attempted to free the slaves from afar. Maybe from infusion of their DNA into us. Well, it is a known fact that by selective infusion of DNA you can change the direction of an entire specie. Anyway, whatever way they used… doesn’t matter… it worked and one group of human slaves woke up when they gain knowledge about their situation and true nature. They know now what is happening to them and they decided enough is enough, they aren’t going to do it anymore. So they stopped. And the other group of human slaves saw the first group doing that and also decided they didn’t want to go on doing what they were doing. The “baddie Gods” then warned them against doing so, thinking that they will not survive (they are slaves mah… the African slaves and white masters also same case what). But the humans left anyway. Maybe their numbers were more than the colonists so who knows how they left. But that kind of paints the biblical story of Adam & Eve (2 groups of human slaves doing 2 different tasks maybe?) eating the forbidden fruit (of knowledge) and then leaving the Garden of Eden (slave land). Sort of makes sense right?

Atlantis (?)
The Gods (baddie aliens) may not have expected the human slaves to make it but they did! Lemuria, Atlantis… but these “Gods” did what they could to destabilize these early Earth human civilizations and ultimately succeeded through civil war or “manufactured” natural disasters or whatever your mind can come up with. After succeeding, these Gods, however, realize that their slave race is actually superior to them because they are created from the infusion of several different alien races, so are afraid of humans. But these Gods still want somebody to "toil the soil", so to speak. So they perhaps they created another round of humans through the same way (they have the DNA records with them now what), only this time they disconnected some of the DNA helixes and left humans with only 2: the sex chakra for pro-creation and the basic chakra for hard work. That would make us fantastic slaves. And a slave would not know he is a slave as he would know no better especially if the masters look different. Think of your dog, it doesn’t consider itself a pet does it? And so we have the history of the Sumerians, Aztecs, Egyptians, etc all with their incredible pyramids and advanced engineering technology that baffles the mind how humans at that time could do something that is considered monstrous even for today with today’s technology. Then for whatever reasons, the “Gods” disappeared, maybe they went home. Those civilizations also ceased to exist. So humanity plodded along for the next few thousand years.

However, humanity, due to it being an infusion of many different alien races, evolved from the basic and sex chakra to the solar plexus chakra – the will center (Thy Will Be Done!). We all watched Jurassic Park right? Evolution finds its way. So humanity found its way. Today we as a whole civilization have evolved with many advances (not necessarily technological advances as evidence would suggest that so called ancient civilizations have better technological advances than we do). As Maslow’s diagram states, once basic needs are sorted out, we seek out higher needs, and once these are sorted, we seek even higher needs and so forth. Today, many of us who have achieved some level of success and contentment are searching for our spirituality. We are evolving as a race and supposedly, let’s say we are due for another DNA reset / re-connected (i.e. evolving). And this is timed coincidentally (or not) with the end of the Mayan Calendar which happens to be when the “Prime Directive” thingy expires. Hmm.. plausible?

Star Trek - United Federation of Planets
Now despite the “Prime Directive” in place, rules will be rules, and since when do we follow rules right? Especially rules made by others right? So, over the centuries, despite the “Prime Directive” there have been close encounters of a third kind but always hush hush. “Prime Directive” in place mah. But these close encounters sort of increased during the end of World War 2 and during the height of the cold war. Why? Could it be that some of the aliens came to check on us? Or were they attracted to us because we “discovered” the nuclear bomb? Or perhaps some want us for their own evil intentions? For example, further genetic engineering, research, slaves etc. But that’s for those aliens that didn’t like the “Prime Directive” thingy in place. What about the good guy aliens, those who, maybe.. are protecting us with that “Prime Directive” thingy so that the baddie “Gods” don’t come back and rule over us.

Could these benevolent aliens, watching us from afar, became worried during WW2 and the Cold War that earth was heading towards world extinction. If the world was going to go kaboom, it could also affect the other galaxies and other dimensions. But because they can no longer interfere from the outside they came out with a plan to interfere from within thus the 3 waves of volunteers. The 1st wave born during the late 40s till late 50s. They are portals for higher frequencies to come through. They volunteered as the call to save earth. Not knowing that earth is so dense and also that they would lose all Knowledge. So they had a hard time. It is no secret that right now, that there are record number of Light workers in the world at the turn of the millennium. These spiritual "volunteers" are awakening in thousands. This would also explain why some people don’t seem to have a past life. If a person does not have a past life as a human, that is like an extremely young soul that could have just evolved from the animal kingdom and these people are usually not so developed in features etc. However, they would still have a past life as something e.g. an animal and that can be read by any channeler, medium or astrologer. But not these light workers. What I mean is that when we go to a channeler, medium or astrologer (any astrology school), they can tell your lessons this lifetime and what you were in some previous life etc. But these people (the light workers), when they go to a channeler, the channeler can’t read them, it’s like they don’t have a past life and that is soooo un-human. These people are just not from this planet.

Now, how does this tie up with new age spirituality or true spirituality as taught by the Avatars (not religion)? But first, let’s just let our imagination run wild here…

If the “Prime Directive” is enforced by some sort of Galactic Federation. Then could it be that what we call Angels, Archangels, Seraphims and some Ascended Masters are actually advanced alien beings of light (maybe not all)? Assuming they are, does new age spirituality or spirituality as taught by the Avatars still hold?

The Ascended Masters
Let’s look at what we know about Ascended Masters. Being advanced spiritual beings, the Ascended Masters are representations of the collective consciousness of all. They are like world spirits, the world's soul (or a reflection of the world's spirit if you prefer). Or perhaps basically the entire planet Earth' over-soul all in one expression (maybe). Whatever it is, we humans are like them, we are the soul, and over-souls in the making, a future ascended master. We are like them, energy and spiritual wise. But because we tend to put everything into compartments aka religion, we can't see that reflection. To make matters worse, religion have been constantly lying to us that we are NOT like them and therefore need to worship them (Buddha, Jesus, Allah, Krishna "you name it" etc). that may not have been religion’s original intent but over the centuries, translations over translations and mis-interpretations over mis-interpretations resulted in shit happening to the real meaning. And to top it all, power, control, politics, corruption etc made matters worse. However, because all answers lie within us, at an unconscious level, we get angry when told that lie that we are not like them. As a result our fear of the unknown increases. So religion has failed and has kept us further from them, further from the truth. None of the Ascended Masters wants us to worship them. The Buddha specifically said to his followers NOT to worship him as he is not God. Jesus told his followers to follow his footsteps, he didn’t ask them to pray to him, Constantine made them pray to him. The truth is quite the opposite, all the Ascended Masters want us to be more like them, to follow their footsteps, to be like them, to be able to do what they can do, achieve what they have achieved. The 2nd coming of Christ (or Maitreya if you prefer) is actually the awakening of our own Buddha nature, our own Christ consciousness, not an individual coming down here and saying I am Jesus like 2000 years ago. If anyone claims to be jesus now, that person is definitely the anti-christ. The return of Christ (or coming of the maitreya) is actually the coming of that consciousness or rather the awakening of that within each of us. And more of us are awakening now aren’t we. But religion attempts to hide this and play this down by saying that that is the Devil's work. Even in the light of hard evidence on reincarnation, experts with PhDs claim it to be hallucination; religious experts claim it to be work of the Devil. But then that is how the establishment works isn’t it? If something does not conform with conventional science of wisdom, it is rejected. Make sense?

Now, let’s go to the future and see what lies ahead for humanity… the epilogue if you prefer…

All beings in this universe are not all equal. This is a paradox. At one level, all beings in this universe are all created equal i.e. we are all spiritual beings of light no matter what corner of the galaxy or universe you are in. However, all beings’ genetic makeup and position in the ladder of evolution are different that that would make the “journey to the light” different i.e. Human beings are at one rung on the evolution ladder, one alien race is at another possible lower rung, and another alien race at a much higher rung. Sometimes we do get a boost in our climb.

Now, let’s hyperbole and let imaginations run wild regarding what lies in the future…

Humanity’s uniqueness as an infusion of say 7 DNAs from say 7 different alien races, is getting to that point of evolution whereby we are evolving faster than the rest (hopefully we don’t hit the reverse gear and go back the other way round at equally fast speed). If we choose Light, in 50 years (or lesser) we will be accepted into the Galactic Federation (Star Trek, yes!) and in 1000 years we will no longer need a physical body (like the Arcturans that Edgar Cayce mentioned in his trance channeling). Earth will then be left to another race that is journeying to be a light being. Humans will then be the then beings of lights that will come back to earth as guardians to help that next race. BTW, one channeled reading that caught even the channeler by surprise is that the human race's future descendants are beings of light and are guardians for the next race to use Earth for their evolution... interesting? Very...

--- END (Part 2) ---

Wow… Now, is that Hollywood Blockbuster material or what? Academy Award anyone? :-D

PS:- This post is a result of interesting bits of stories I got from various sources that I thought would make a very interesting “what if” kind of story. I hope you enjoyed it. If you think you want to explore more, by all means. I will focus on personal and spiritual development. But I always hope that one day the earth would be like Coruscant City during the golden age in Star Wars or Los Angeles in Star Trek. :-D

PPS:- You know? Most ancient writings (on walls, tablets or whatever) left by ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia, Hopi, Sumeria etc all does say that the Gods will return. Hmmmm... I wonder....

Coruscant City from Star Wars

Somewhat Related post:
2.     Heaven and Hell

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cultivating Positive Thinking - By Joey Yap (From The Star)

Here's an article from the Star Property today from Fengshui master Joey Yap.
Cultivate Positive Thinking

I think it is pretty good read for us all. No doubt, maintaining a positive attitude is not as easy as it sounds. It does take practice. After all, if a crazy driver cuts right in front of your car ad almost causes you to have an accident, it's not like you can just "stay positive". Probably a string of profanities would find their way out of your mouth in a split second. But that's only human. 

Or, if you've been dealing with incredibly stupid or unreasonable people the whole day, it also gets difficult to maintain a positive attitude. And the last person to add "liu" into the crock pot probably will get the full blast of the pent up frustrations :-)

Well.. anyway, we should still maintain a predominantly positive mental attitude as that would still keep us receiving good stuff by the Law of Attraction.

--- START Article by Joey Yap ---

Do you believe that invisible energies affect our lives? Don’t dismiss the idea as nonsense just yet.
Do you believe in gravity and magnetism? How about electricity? You definitely can’t see gravity, but it’s the kind of force that, without which, will send us flying off into space. That’s how huge an impact it has on your life.
Now comes feng shui. It is an ancient Chinese maxim associated with geomancy and philosophy, governing the arrangement and orientation of space in relation to the patterns of Yin and Yang, and the flow of energy or life force, known as Qi. Its aesthetics combine the laws of both heaven (Chinese astronomy) and earth to help us improve life by attracting, harnessing and sustaining positive Qi.
However, in this modern age, many contradictory perspectives have surfaced, clouding our judgment. It is not a superstitious or magical belief system, or a New Age fad. Nor is it a get-rich-quick method of Asian interior design that guarantees impossible results by mystically rearranging your furniture. It is also not a simple home and garden makeover that promises a quick fix that can be achieved in one afternoon. Most importantly, it is not a luxury that only the rich and famous can afford.
Qi force
So what exactly is feng shui? “Feng” refers to wind, and “shui” means water. In Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health. Therefore, good feng shui is believed to gather good fortune, while bad feng shui just simply means adverse luck, or misfortune.
In addition to being essential to human survival, both wind and water elements, flow, move and circulate everywhere on earth, serving as direct transmitters of Qi that fortifies, enhances and harmonises us with our living environment.
In feng shui, all things are part of a natural order, a capacious environment so alive and in flux. Every thing in this natural order is equally alive and swirls with vital energy. In fact, according to this holistic view, your essence – what makes you alive, unique and vital – is this energy.
This energy, supplements us in achieving specific improvements in both our personal and professional life.
Our energy flow affects the way we think and act, which in turn affects how well we perform and succeed in our personal and professional life. Indeed, feng shui affects every moment of our life.
There are three life-governing factors in the feng shui belief system:
Heaven Luck
Man Luck
Earth Luck
Heaven Luck refers to the “Supreme Being”, the all-mighty and immortal force that factors our destiny, affecting our success, opportunity, achievement and life experiences.
Man Luck refers to “preparation-meeting-opportunity” in association with work, effort, time devoted as well as belief and spiritual practice. And in choosing the right network and acquaintances. It acknowledges the importance and value of hard work, good choices and proper timing.
And finally, Earth Luck, refers to man’s connection with his environment.
Positive energy
The feng shui outlook is extensive and determines the auspicious sectors in a desired location using a Chinese compass known as Lou Pan which is extremely accurate in the right hands.
We could then calculate the life force or Qi level and the numerical significance of a person in relation to our birth date, birth hour, zodiac sign and personal Gua number based on Chinese astrology.
The favourable and unfavourable effects are taken into consideration when orienting the interior décor of a property, even from designing and constructing the exterior structures.
While the natural energy or Qi originates from the environment, it is also inherent in the positive energy that emanates from ourselves.
As we try to enhance the Qi force in our surroundings, the most significant feng shui principle is that positive energy attracts positive energy. If you have positive thoughts, then positive things will happen to you.

--- END Article by Joey Yap ---

Are We Really Lacking of Resources in the World?

At present the issue of conservation and lack of resources is becoming an important issue in the world. Everywhere we are looking at how to be more efficient in order to conserve resources, save the environment etc.

While saving the environment is a noble cause that we should all do, I am not so certain that the lack of resources should be a prime focus or reason. While I agree that we should become efficient to avoid wastage, the truth about our resources is that there is more than enough resources for all.

We have everything we need in this world to sustain ourselves as a race for many more decades as of right now. All the resources we will ever need is available right now. There is no lack of resources in this world. If we wanted, we can easily:- eradicate poverty; create jobs for everyone; eradicate famine; eradicate diseases; find all the resources we need, etc. the question is not if we have the resources, it's whether we have the will to make the necessary shift to achieve that. While I will not provide figures here, any of you can pursue this and do your own research. Your research will without fail lead you to the conclusion that we are actually in-efficiently mis-distributing our natural resources and that we actually have abundant resources for all. The evidence are all there screaming at us. It's a question of whether we have the will to make the necessary changes for a better future. Or do we buy the bullshit that industrial lobbyist sells to us.

One of the best examples is in the food industry. Again, I will not provide figures (I don't need to) and I'm sorry to say that you must either be living in denial or be blind if you can't figure this out yourself with a little simple research of your own. Great personalities like Anthony Robbins, hollywood stars, and the likes have been telling us that eating meat is an inefficient means to getting the energy and nutrients that our body needs. We actually burn more to get the energy from meat. So really, it doesn't make sense to continue taking a lot of meat. Even our physiological make up actually fits eating more veg and fruits.
What's the point in consuming something that is a net energy lost. While meat eaters will claim that they feel week if they don't take meat, that is actually their body's craving (or addiction to put it bluntly). All they need to do is get disciplined and once they overcome the initial craving phase, they will actually feel a whole lot healthier and energetic.

The amount of land used to plant grass for cattle is huge. One cow requires a huge land for grass as its food. That one cow we slaughter for its meat feeds how many people? Whereas if we use that same land area to plant vegetables and legumes, how many more people can we feed? A whole lot more that's for sure. Just do your own research and the obvious answer would scream at you. Well...humans being humans, we'll probably go "I like and want my meat". Well, you're one of the selfish causes in this planet that is creating the lack of resources issue.

Our governments and the respective agencies can easily educate people of this but unfortunately they lack the will (or is it due to lobbying but meat industrialist?). As a result of this inaction, vast majority of people do not know the hard facts. Some meat eaters (or meat proponents) even go as far as saying that their culture and religion "requires" the sacrifice of some animal at certain dates. Oh puhleeezzz... What a load of bull crap. Your religion and God is obviously very cruel if what you say is true. I also know of some people who are so righteous that they just insist on taking their meat... right up to the point when their health starts deteriorating to a danger level.

I'm not saying that we should all go veg. What I'm saying is that we do not need that much meat. We should be eating less meat and more veg anyway. but the prevalent eastern and western cultures are heavy on meat and that's what we should be changing.

I can go on about the meat industry but I'll stop here.

Next lets have a look at the energy industry. Do you know that in the 20th century, we already had the technology to produce electric cars that are so environmentally friendly and yet powerful? This technology was already invented in the early or mid 20th century. The trial runs were full of promises but the cars were on loan i.e. they users can use them during the trial run period (contractually binding) of a few years but cannot purchase the cars. However, upon completion of the contract period, for some reason unbeknownst to all, the cars were recalled and destroyed. Yes... destroyed. This despite the users asking for the motor companies to sell them those cars. Why is that? Intense lobbying from the petroleum industry.

The Middle East has intense sunlight for months every year. We have the technology to build many solar panels there that can power the entire earth. But do we do that? No.. they build expensive real estates and continue to pump oil from the ground.

The list truly goes on and on.

But the bottom line is that we have ALL the resources that we will ever need. The Earth is Abundant in natural resources and there is more than enough to go around for all of us. It is the selfish greed of select group of humans (and their corporations) that keeps us at this dire strait thinking that there is a lack in resources.