Sunday, August 19, 2012

From The Secret - Faith in Ourselves – All Answers are Within Us

Within you are the exact answers that you need to every single question, and so it is important that you discover answers for yourself. You must trust in yourself and all that you are. The Secret book and film help you to understand the power that is within you, and help you to become aware of that power so that you can use it. Ask the question, and then remain intensely aware, because the answer will come to you any second.

You just cannot miss an opportunity, because the Universe will keep presenting them to you. If you think you have missed an opportunity you will not feel good, and you definitely won't be on the frequency to receive the right opportunity. Have faith. The Universe has unlimited opportunities to present to you, and unlimited ways to get your attention. You will seize on the right opportunity.

The infinite Universe is like our Sun. The very nature of the Sun is to give light and life. The Sun could not exist or be a sun unless it was giving light and life. Can you imagine the Sun waking up one morning as it rises and thinking, "I am sick of giving light and life!" The moment the Sun stopped giving life, it could not exist. The infinite Universe is the same as the Sun. The very essence and nature of the infinite Universe is giving, and it could not exist otherwise.

When we are in harmony with the Laws of the Universe, we experience the joy of its continuous giving.

A tip: Whenever you ask for something for yourself, try also asking for the world.
Good things for you - good things for the world. Prosperity for you - prosperity for the world. Health for you - health for the world. Joy for you - joy for the world. Love and harmony for you - love and harmony for everyone in the world.
It's a small thing that has incredible results.

Friday, August 17, 2012

From The Secret - The Power of Our Imagination

Whether your thoughts are about something real or something that is not real, whether your thoughts are about the way your life is now or about the way you want your life to be, the law of attraction is responding to those thoughts. In other words, the law of attraction does not know whether you are imagining something or whether it is real. Now do you understand the power of your imagination?

The law of attraction is a giant photocopying machine; it photocopies what we contain in our mind and sends it back to us as the circumstances and events of our lives. This is a great thing, because we are getting very clear feedback on how we are going in our life. For example, if you are not seeing enough money in your life, you know you must create abundance in your mind and imagination so the law can photocopy that and send it back to you.

There is nothing you cannot do, and if you approach all things in life in the right order, you will do everything you want. Live your dream on the inside first, completely and totally, and then it will manifest in your life. When you have tuned yourself on the inside so completely, you will magnetize everything you need for your dream to become a reality. This is the law. All creation in your life begins inside of you.

Stress, worry, and anxiety simply come from projecting your thoughts into the future and imagining something bad. This is focusing on what you don't want! If you find that your mind is projecting into the future in a negative way, focus intensely on NOW. Keep bringing yourself back to the present. Use all of your will, and focus your mind in this very moment, because in this moment of now there is utter peace.

Monday, August 13, 2012

From The Secret - Evolution and Change - Positive Transformation

So often when things change in our lives, we have such a resistance to the change. This is because when people see a big change appearing they are often fearful that it is something bad. But it is important to remember that when something big changes in our lives, it means something better is coming. There cannot be a vacuum in the Universe, and so as something moves out, something must come in and replace it. When change comes, relax, have total faith, and know that the change is ALL GOOD.
Something more magnificent is coming to you!

It is important to remember that you are vibrating a frequency every second. To change the outside circumstances and shift your life to a higher level, you must change the frequency on the inside of you. Thoughts of goodness, words of goodness, and deeds of goodness lift your frequency higher. The higher your frequency, the more good you bring to you.

Every positive step that you take is transforming your being. With the consistent use of your will and steady determined practice of what you have learned, you will be amazed at how fast transformation takes place. Transformation of your being brings a peace and a joy that is indescribable. You have to experience it to know it, but once you do, you will never go back.

Sometimes, when we don't have the courage to change, everything changes around us to direct us to a new path. You cannot stop yourself from growing - evolution requires it.

Resolve to remain as strong, as determined, and as highly enthused during the darkest night of adversity as you are during the sunniest day of prosperity. Do not feel disappointed when things seem disappointing. Keep the eye single upon the same brilliant future regardless of circumstances, conditions, or events. Do not lose heart when things go wrong. Continue undisturbed in your original resolve to make all things go right…

"The man who never weakens when things are against him will grow stronger and stronger until all things will delight to be for him. He will finally have all the strength he may desire or need. Be always strong and you will always be stronger."
Your Forces and How to Use Them

Friday, August 10, 2012

From The Secret - The Power to Manifest Anything You Want

If you want to attract a better job or anything better than what you currently have, it is important to understand how the law of attraction works.

You know that to bring in something better you must imagine what that better thing looks like in your mind, and then live in that picture as though it is here now. But you should also know that if you complain about your current job, for example, and continue to focus on all the negative things, you will never bring the better job to you. You must look for the things to be grateful for in your current job. Each thing you find to be grateful for is helping to bring that better job to you. That is really working the law!

Let’s take a moment and ask yourself if the below is a thought that you hold?
"I have no money to give, but when I have money then I will give." If it is, you will never have money. The fastest way to attract anything is to give it to another, so if it is money you want to attract, then give it. You can give $10 or $5 or $1. It doesn't matter what the amount is, just give it. It doesn't matter how much and it doesn't matter where you give it, just give!

Here are four fundamental things to do to manifest money using the law of attraction.
1. Think more thoughts of abundance in a day, than of lack of money.
2. Be happy now, without the money.
3. Be truly grateful for everything you have now.
4. Give the best of yourself to others.
Four easy steps. You can do them if you want it enough.

That’s on money. What about love? If you are looking for love, the best chance you have of finding absolute happiness with the perfect person (whoever that may be) is if you surrender to the Universe. Allow the Universe to bring the love of your life to you, and to move you to them. This means you have to get out of the way and become receptive to the possibilities that the Universe presents to you.
From our smaller perspective we cannot see everything, but from its total perspective the Universe knows the perfect matches.

The law of attraction has never failed anyone, and so it will not fail you. The law does not fail. When things are not appearing as wanted, it is always because the person is not using the law correctly. The law is infallible, and so when you work in perfect harmony with the law, you will experience the results!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

From The Secret - The Power of Manifestation

The process for manifesting what you want is the same, no matter what it is. The process is outlined so thoroughly in The Secret film and the book, and so if you are not clear then you should watch the film over and over again, or read the book over and over again, until it seeps into your mind. Then you will take the principles of The Secret into your consciousness and life, and you will know how to do anything.

You cannot ever say the law of attraction is not working, because it is working all the time. If you don't have what you want, you are seeing the effect of your use of the law. If you don't have what you want, then you are creating not having what you want. You are still creating and the law is still responding to you.
If you understand this, then you can redirect your incredible power to attract what you want.

To receive something good you must get yourself onto the goodness frequency. To glue yourself to that goodness frequency, think good thoughts, speak good words, and take good actions.

Therefore, begin your day by feeling grateful. Be grateful for the bed you just slept in, the roof over your head, the carpet or floor under your feet, the running water, the soap, your shower, your toothbrush, your clothes, your shoes, the refrigerator that keeps your food cold, the car that you drive, your job, your friends. Be grateful for the stores that make it so easy to buy the things you need, the restaurants, the utilities, services, and electrical appliances that make your life effortless. Be grateful for the magazines and the books that you read. Be grateful for the chair that you sit on, and the pavement that you walk on. Be grateful for the weather, the sun, the sky, the birds, the trees, the grass, the rain, and the flowers.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

These two words, when fused with intense feeling, can improve your life more than you can imagine. But you must saturate the words with the feeling of gratitude in your heart. You know what you feel when someone says "Thank you" without any feeling. You feel nothing. And you know what it feels like when someone says "Thank you" with all of their heart. The words are the same in both cases, but when the feeling of gratitude is added you can feel the effect of that energy reach you immediately. When you put feeling into the words "Thank you," you give the words wings.

Try imagining your good feelings as rainwater, and your body as the catchment area for the rainwater. As you make sure you feel as many good feelings as possible, you are keeping the catchment area full and overflowing. But if you forget to deliberately put the good feelings in, the water level will drop very low to the bottom where the silt and mud lie. Negative feelings are just an indication to you that your catchment area has dropped down to the silt and mud, and that you need to fill yourself up again with good feelings until you are overflowing. Keep yourself overflowing by deliberately filling yourself with good feelings every day.

The more you practice gratitude the more deeply you will feel it in your heart, and the depth of the feeling is the key. The more deeply and sincerely you feel it, the more happiness you will bring to yourself in every single area. Watch what happens in your life when you practice gratitude at every opportunity, every single day.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Financial Freedom Notes from Asia

This is an article from Rich Dad's Blog on women in Asia. Good read for all.

I recently returned from a Rich Dad/Rich Woman Asia tour with Robert and several members of our Rich Dad team. There is nothing better to truly understand what is going on in different parts of the world than to see it with your own eyes.
This tour took us to Tokyo Japan, Shanghai China, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and Singapore. One thing is evident – the news we get in the U.S. is in many cases not what’s actually happening in certain parts of the world. This may not be news to many of you who do not live in the U.S. or who travel outside the U.S. regularly.
Here are just a few things I picked up on this trip.
CHINA – The China economy was in the news every day. When you think of the economy of China what do you think of? What is you perception of China’s financial status? Is their economy booming? The U.S. headlines I’ve read and the news programs I’ve watched regularly refer to the “constant and ever-growing economy of China”. China is the next “great economic growth boom.”
But that’s not what I hear when I’m in China.
Richard Duncan, a brilliant economist who consults with major financial institutions around the world and has consulted with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) explained it this way to me –
If you look at China’s imports and exports, they tell you a much different story. The facts are that in the last year, China’s exports slowed to only 5% growth — Their slowest in years. What that means is that the goods and products manufactured in China and shipped to other countries have slowed tremendously. People in countries outside of China simply aren’t buying as much made-in-China product.
What’s even more important is that China’s imports have slowed to 0% growth.
What does that mean to you?
If you directly or indirectly work in a company that’s involved in manufacturing and shipping items to China, then your company may very well be affected. This includes everything from food, cement, and steel to shipping companies and airlines.
The Chinese economy has slowed so much that there are approximately 64 million vacant apartments in the country. New towns or CBDs (Central Business Districts) that have been recently built are deserted.
That is what’s really happening with the Chinese economy.
Yet if you read The New York Times last month it reported, “In China growth remains robust by Western standards. But concern is rising over the possible end of a property boom.” Possible? That property boom is already burst.
SINGAPORE – In Singapore the country is referred to as “Singapore Inc.” because the country is run as a business. Back in the 1960’s Singapore’s visionary leader, Lee Kwan Yew, approached the top business leaders in Singapore’s private sector and offered to pay them what they were making as CEO’s, presidents and managing directors of their companies if they would work for the Singapore government.
As a result, the key positions in the government were filled with experienced and proven business people who were now running Singapore. That was the start of Singapore Inc. Today, the Singapore economy is strong and the country is very well managed.
They have an abundance of water, where once they imported almost all of their water. They have an unending stream of private money flowing into Singapore from overseas investors who do not trust their own economies or governments but do have faith in how Singapore is managed.
They also have an oversupply of jobs. Singapore continues to grow and needs more people to fill the jobs…Something to think about if you know someone who has been laid off recently.
The complaint I hear against Singapore is, “Yes, but Singapore is a dictatorship. That is terrible!”
Ladies and gentleman, how do you think businesses all over the world are run?
The successful companies have one leader who makes the final decisions. It’s not decision by committee. The smartest leaders have very bright people around them who they refer to and consult with, but the final say is made by the person at the head of the company.
Look at Apple, Oracle and Dell computers. Do you doubt that Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison and Michael Dell called the shots? I’m not saying that Singapore doesn’t have its share of flaws as every country has. I’m saying there is something to be learned from what countries are doing right.
MALAYSIA - Malaysia who, similarly to Singapore, did not get caught up in the frenzy of the sub-prime scam, and the disastrous investments that other countries did, and therefore has not been affected too much from the fall-out of that crisis.
Malaysia today offers foreigners two positives: 1) Jobs – companies are hiring, and 2) Low cost of living. (Granted, Malaysia’s standard of living is not that of Manhattan or San Francisco but it is a friendly country with opportunity.)
It was in Malaysia where the people are so eager to learn and looking for new answers that we actually had to turn away five hundred people from our one-day seminar because the venue was filled beyond capacity.
It was also in Malaysia where I found the two greatest polar opposites regarding women and financial freedom. You’ll love this, women. On the one hand, I met women, single and married, who were actively investing as well as building businesses. You could see their eyes light up when they told me their stories.
And then… I learn of another woman… with a different point of view. This woman started The Obedient Wives Club. Yes, really. Now, I don’t have first-hand knowledge of this organization (the name alone says it all for me.) but what I understand is that the purpose of this organization is to teach women to be submissive to their husbands and to first and foremost please their man. I guess I won’t be sending her a copy of Rich Woman any time soon.
Get the Real Story
My point of this blog is this – You certainly do not have to hop a plane and visit every country to get a true picture of what’s happening throughout the world. BUT if you do want to be successful with your money and be a step ahead of the pack, then it is important to get as accurate a view as possible of the world economies.
You will not often get that through traditional newspapers and magazines. Yet, there are many resources, especially online, that you can seek out.
Here are two resources you may want to check out:
What world economy news resources can you recommend to others to learn more about their journey tofinancial freedom?
For additional information, check out our free, financial education community here.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

From The Secret - Being Aware of Criticism and Negativity

Criticism can be very subtle in the way it creeps into our thoughts. Here are some examples of criticism to help you become aware of its subtlety, so you can eliminate it from your thoughts:

The weather is awful today.
The traffic is terrible.
The service is really bad.
Oh no, look at the line.
He/she is always late.
How long do we have to wait for our order?
That motorist is a lunatic.
It's so hot in here.
I've been on hold for so long!
These are subtle things, but the law of attraction is listening to them all. You have the ability to appreciate something in every single circumstance. There is always something to be grateful for.

Float through life and try not to resist challenges when they come. Resisting them holds them to you. Focus your mind on what you want, and then float above the challenging or negative things. Imagine you are way up in the sky and looking down on the little dot of negativity. When you do this you are detaching yourself from the negativity and seeing it for what it really is. This one little process will keep you from drowning in a negative situation.

And remember the three wise monkeys?
See no evil.
Hear no evil.
Speak no evil.
That means: See no negativity, hear no negativity, speak no negativity. Those three monkeys were definitely wise!

Know also that there is great power in your words, because they are thoughts that you have given additional energy to. Be aware of what you are saying. Watch your words. It is a spectacular moment when you catch your unwanted words midstream, because it means you are becoming more conscious and aware. Yes!